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Neverending Haze pours a bright golden yellow color with, not surprisingly, haze for days. Two fingers of white head tops off the upper 4 oz of the pint glass and slowly dissipates down over 10 minutes or so. Highly aromatic citrus notes dominate the nose with tons of grapefruit and pineapple. On the taste, the beer features a light bready malt base with a slight fruit sweetness with pineapple and peach flavors. The hops then come through with a light grapefruit bitterness that leaves a dry finish. In contrast to the traditionally juicy and sweet hazy IPAs, this is a decidedly Stone take on the style, allowing the hops to shine through unabashed. It's not particularly heavy, but has a full flavor that gives little indication the beer is only 4% ABV. With Hazy IPAs often clocking in at 7 or 8%, this one allows you to enjoy a few without overdoing it.
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