Samuel Adams Stony Brook Red - Boston Beer Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 16th, 2016  
Samuel Adams Stony Brook Red


Red Ale
American Wild Ale
9.00% ABV


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Samuel Adams Stony Brook Red from Boston Beer Company
3.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Stony Brook Red is stone cold delicious. It pours a reddish brown/mahogany color with a medium cream colored head. The aroma is a tart cherry with a little funk but mostly tangy. It's got a medium mouthfeel and good carbonation but where it surprises most is in the complexity of the first few seconds when you sip. It's definitely a cherry-ish tart, with considerable oaky notes peeking through. It's sour, but restrained. There's a sweetness that's balanced well by the tart dryness of a red wine. It's complex with dried fruit, wine, oak, slight funk and a hidden malty caramel that peeks through at the last second. For a sour beer, it's super refreshing and very drinkable.


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