Mountain Standard Double Black IPA (Barrel Aged) - Odell Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 7th, 2017  
Mountain Standard Double Black IPA (Barrel Aged)


Black IPA
Double/Imperial IPA
10.60% ABV


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Mountain Standard Double Black IPA (Barrel Aged) from Odell Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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This Mountain Standard is a Barrel Aged Double Black IPA. It pours a dark brown color with one finger of creamy, tan colored head. Intense aroma that you can pick up on well before putting the glass up to your nose. Roasted malt, coffee, chocolate, and piney hops. Smells like a Barrel Aged Imperial Stout, but this is an IPA right? Taste is rich and bold. Malty like a dark beer, but still hoppy like an IPA. Hops flavors are earthy and piney. The barrel aging adds a bit of oak flavor and bourbon smoothness to the mouthfeel. Sweet, milk chocolate in the finish, coupled with a slight citrus bitterness. High quality and clearly a style that you can't get very often. This is a nice sipper and one that will keep IPA fans satisfied in the winter months.


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