Mug Life - New Glory Craft Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 29th, 2021  
Mug Life


Golden Stout
7.50% ABV


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Mug Life pours a dark golden color with outrageous fluffy, fine head if you pour it right. It laces beautifully all around the glass, and the foam is just like a dry cappuccino - thick and aerated. It recedes to a thin film that still continues to lace throughout the experience. Aroma is distinctly coffee and vanilla. Taste is sweet, graham crackers goodness marked with just the right amount of coffee and vanilla. It finishes malty and with a nice slight bitterness to counteract the sweet. The mouthfeel is light to medium with a smooth texture from the nitro, but the carbonation is nice and bitey.


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