Love Hazy IPA - Almanac Beer Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 19th, 2021  
Love Hazy IPA


Hazy IPA
6.10% ABV


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Love Hazy IPA from Almanac Beer Co.
4.6 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Golden straw color, light haze, lots of effervescent bubbles rising. Large, three finger thick white soapy head that is long lasting. Aroma is bright, with citrus and tropical fruit. Same goes for the taste, which is fresh, bright, and citrus focused. Some tropical fruit, including mild coconut, but mostly citrus. Malts are Pilsner-like, fairly light with cracker flavors. Maybe some wheat. Dry, refreshing mouthfeel with tingly carbonation. Overall this is a pretty solid Hazy IPA from Almanac.


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