Upslope Citra Pale Ale - Upslope Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 17th, 2021  
Upslope Citra Pale Ale


American Pale Ale
5.80% ABV


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Upslope Citra Pale Ale from Upslope Brewing Company
2.9 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Upslope Citra Pale Ale pours an incredibly clear, pale amber color with a frothy white head. Lots of bubbly carbonation. Aroma is fresh and hoppy. With the initial taste, the malts stand out, with biscuit pale malt and a dry, cracker-like mouthfeel. But near the middle and back-end, the floral and citrus hop notes appear. Especially orange, lime, and grapefruit flavors. But the hops don't engulf the rest of the flavors like a lot of Citra-hopped Pales or IPAs. Instead, this is a much more balanced beer that is smooth, easy drinking, and perfectly refreshing.


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