The Brother - Fremont Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 29th, 2020  
The Brother


Double/Imperial IPA
8.50% ABV


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The Brother from Fremont Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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The Brother pours a pale amber color, mostly clear, but with a soft haze. Head is white and bubbly, with solid retention and lacing. Dank aroma with lots of ripe stone fruit and melon. Taste is a little boozy at first, and the 8.5% is correct. But it's full of hop flavors like melon, citrus, and resinous pine, complemented by a sweet honey and caramel malt flavor. Mouthfeel is syrupy but not cloying. Medium body with ideal carbonation for the style. Not much bitterness and the sweetness seems to accumulate, leaving you with a smooth, caramel flavor as an aftertaste. Not for the casual drinker, but this is one that DIPA fans should enjoy.


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