More Dark Lager - More Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 8th, 2020  
More Dark Lager


Dark Lager
4.80% ABV


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More Dark Lager from More Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is dark brown, non-transparent, with one finger of tan colored, soapy head. Aroma is very malt forward, with dark bread and chocolate. Flavor is exactly what you would think based on the appearance. Malty, dark bread, hints of chocolate, coffee, and light molasses, but thankfully not much sweetness. Hops come second with this beer, but there’s a nice amount of bitterness that reminds us of a British pub ale. Nevertheless, it’s a lager! Smooth, creamy mouthfeel with ample carbonation. Very tasty, and easily to put back several of these at 4.8% ABV.


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