Mocha Wednesday (2016 Edition) - The Bruery - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 20th, 2016  
Mocha Wednesday (2016 Edition)


Imperial Stout
19.40% ABV


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Mocha Wednesday (2016 Edition) from The Bruery
3.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Orange County
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Mocha Wednesday is, at 19.4%, one of the strongest beers you can get your hands on. It pours a dark black color with a tan colored filmy head that doesn't stick around very long. It has strong lacing and a thick mouthfeel. There is a lot of cocoa on the aroma and a little bit of light coconut sweetness. It has a dark, rich chocolate flavor with a ton of strong coffee and a touch of molasses sweetness. You can also detect the oak and a little bourbon. This is a big, bold, boozy beer and a definite sipper to be shared with a group of friends.


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