Leo v. Ursus - Doublus - Firestone Walker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 28th, 2018  
Leo v. Ursus - Doublus


Double/Imperial IPA
9.50% ABV


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Leo v. Ursus - Doublus from Firestone Walker Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is a bit hazy, golden amber with a two fingers of off-white, foamy head. Nice retention and plentiful lacing all over the glass. Strong, hoppy aroma of berry, citrus, and tropical fruit. Taste is hop forward with similar flavors to the aroma, but also tea leaves and resinous pine. Malts are pretty bold too, which helps with the overall balance. There's a bready feel, coupled with caramel malt for a mild sweetness. Well carbonated and medium to full-bodied. Mouthfeel is sticky and chewy and the bitterness is spot on - really reminiscent of Double IPAs before the entire Northeast-style craze. Another well done beer from the Leo v. Ursus series.


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