Cerasus Magnifera - Eagle Rock Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 23rd, 2018  
Cerasus Magnifera


Sour Beer
5.50% ABV


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Cerasus Magnifera from Eagle Rock Brewery
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Cerasus Magnifera pours a beautiful reddish amber color. Head is white and both silky and frothy; surprisingly thick for this style. Intense aroma of fruit and funky sourness. Taste is tart and sour from the start. Lots of fruit, especially cherry, but also some green apple and tropical fruit. Woody, oak flavors from the barrel impart some aged characteristics and a smooth texture. That mouthfeel is crisp, clean, and refreshing. As the beer warms, the tartness lessens. Complex and flavorful, this is a very pleasant mildly sour beer from Eagle Rock Brewery.


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