Carpello - Burgeon Beer Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 12th, 2021  


Imperial Stout
11.50% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
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Carpello pours dark brown in color, with a thin, oily, khaki colored head. Beautiful lacing on the glass. Aroma is really nice; somewhat boozy, bourbon dominant. The taste has flavors of coffee, toffee, and bourbon, but less bourbon than we got on the aroma. Plenty malty but not too sweet, although there’s a taste of molasses that seems to stand out. It’s fairly boozy right now and would do well with more aging. Medium body, with a rich, robust profile into the finish. Most of the beers we’ve had from Burgeon have been Pale Ales or IPAs. It’s nice to try something different and hoping they keep making some of these barrel aged beers. Cheers!


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