Breck IPA - Breckenridge Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 7th, 2023  
Breck IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
6.30% ABV - 66 IBU


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Breck IPA from Breckenridge Brewery
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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On the pour, Breck IPA is a cloudy, amber orange color with a foamy, off-white, and long lasting head. Aroma is appealing: both malty and hoppy but not dominated by either one. On the taste, we first get the malt. Light sweetness with hints of brown sugar and honey. Fittingly for a Colorado beer, this is much maltier than a West Coast IPA, but not as malty as most East Coast IPAs. Hops bring forward tropical fruit and piney flavors, all very well balanced with the malt. Medium body with medium carbonation. Finish is a pleasant bitterness that seems to intensify with each sip.


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