Bohemian Hopsody
What did you think of it? Never Tried ItWith a name like Bohemian Hopsody, we have high expectations and this beer does not disappoint. First, it pours a yellow amber color with lots of tiny little bubbles. Head is bubbly, off-white with thick lacing. It smells fruity and juicy. The taste is bready malt at first, but then quite a bit of tropical and citrus hop flavors. Fruit is also apparent with flavors of tangerine, pineapple, guava, and sweet melon. It has medium carbonation and an excellent mouthfeel. Super drinkable and refreshing with a light body that still packs a lot of flavor. Even though this is only 5% ABV, this is a beer that true IPA lovers will enjoy.
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kspainhome Oct 14, 2016 at 9:39AM
Bridges the gap for those that prefer a lighter, flavorful IPA. Quality and freshness in a can!Leave a Comment: