Unholy Trippel - Coppertail Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 7th, 2023  
Unholy Trippel


Belgian-style Tripel
Belgian IPA
9.20% ABV


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Unholy Trippel from Coppertail Brewing Co.
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Unholy Trippel pours a mostly transparent gold color with a sizeable creamy white head that leaves lacing all over the glass. Aroma is surprisingly hoppy for the style. Up front the flavor has traditional Belgian yeast and fruit esters, and some malty, honey sweetness. But the hop flavor seems to really stand out, with a combination of floral, citrus, and spicy hop notes. Light bodied with a shocking 9.2% ABV. Mouthfeel is smooth and nicely carbonated. Ample bitterness appears in the finish. Not your typical Trippel, this could even be considered a Belgian IPA and it's nice to taste the experimentation coming from this brewery.


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