Stone Enjoy After 07.04.16 - Stone Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 4th, 2017  
Stone Enjoy After 07.04.16


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.00% ABV - 70 IBU


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Stone Enjoy After 07.04.16 from Stone Brewing Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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After proper cellaring, we waited an extra year to open this one for July 4th, 2017! Color is deep gold and mostly clear. The head is extreme, with massive amounts of thick white foam that easily overflows the glass like champagne. Aroma is strong on the Brett with plenty of farmhouse funk. Taste is really nice, but more like a Saison than an IPA. Lots of Brett but not too much where you can't taste anything else. Hops lead with lemon citrus, but they are also grassy, floral, and piney. Even some black pepper and light malt sweetness. Slightly sour or acidic with really no bitterness. Mouthfeel is dry and well carbonated, and the finish is smooth and refreshing. Aging this beer was an experiment, and we really like the results!


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