Reuben's Mosaic Crush - Reuben's Brews - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 26th, 2020  
Reuben's Mosaic Crush


Hazy IPA
6.00% ABV - 47 IBU


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Reuben's Mosaic Crush from Reuben's Brews
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is light golden yellow with plenty of haze. Head is two fingers thick, super white, and frothy. Inviting aroma full of hops, especially citrus and berry. Great flavor that is both earthy and fruity. We get lemon, berry, pine, and stone fruit, but also a touch of mango. The hops certainly dominate, but there’s a grainy, cereal-like malt backbone that seeps through. Nice carbonation, with a smooth, juicy mouthfeel. Cheers!


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