Pollen Nation Honey Blonde Ale
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Pollen Nation pours a clear honey blonde color with minimal head that disappears immediately. Aroma is very pleasing, with honey up front and a very subtle orange blossom floral sweetness in the background. The mouthfeel is quite light, and the carbonation is excellent. It's very straightforward on flavor, with honey once again taking the lead. There's a good malt backbone here with a slight biscuity middle and a lightly dry finish that doesn't quite act to fully balance the strong sweetness at the front. Overall, it's a great summer beer for hot days, especially if you're wanting something a little sweeter than the usual.
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Alfredo_Andere Jan 15, 2018 at 7:34PM
I am not a bear drinker, I am more a wine drinker, but from time to time I enjoy bear. Yesterday at the Old Crow House in Huntington Beach I felt like having a beer with the BB!Q food and the waitress after listening to my beer taste profile (MGD, XX and Modelo Special) recommended me your Pollen Nation. It is the best beer I ever had. Congratulations. I am happy to say now that I have found a beer other than the 3 massed produce ones mentioned that will appeal my palate.Leave a Comment: