Goose Winter Ale - Goose Island Beer Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 17th, 2017  
Goose Winter Ale


Brown Ale
Winter Warmer
5.30% ABV - 25 IBU


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Goose Winter Ale from Goose Island Beer Co.
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Goose Winter Ale pours a very dark brown color with red highlights around the edges. Head is light brown, thick, and foamy. Aroma is roasted malt and chocolate. On the taste, it's very much like a brown ale, although it seems more complex than most. Rich flavors of roasted malt, chocolate, nuts, caramel, and vanilla. Sweet but not too sweet. A bit of hops just to balance the rich malty flavors. Light to medium body with a mouthfeel that is velvety and smooth, leading to a sweet, nutty finish. This doesn't scream winter, but it seems to work this time of year!


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