Exemption - Taxman Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 18th, 2017  


Belgian-style Tripel
8.50% ABV


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Exemption from Taxman Brewing Co.
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Exemption pours a golden color with a slight haze, small champagne-like bubbles and a thin white head the dissipates quickly. The nose is distinctly Belgian with the classic bready yeast, over-ripe banana and apricot fruit. The flavor follows suit with a lot of classic belgian flavors, banana and a touch of clove. There is also a slight tartness with hints of green apple and pear. The 8.5% ABV is present, but mild, with only the slightest burn to let you know it's there. Get your taxes in the mail, then crack one of these open and enjoy!


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