Allagash Curieux - Allagash Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 18th, 2023  
Allagash Curieux


Belgian-style Tripel
11.00% ABV


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Allagash Curieux from Allagash Brewing Company
4.4 out of 5 based on 7 ratings.
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Curieux is the Barrel Aged version of the Tripel Ale from Allagash. It pours an amber orange color with a thin, filmy head. Aroma is a like a Belgian-style ale with some coriander and slight boozy scent. On the taste, there are definite hints of both banana and coconut. The usual tastes of coriander and orange peel are more of an accent, not the predominant flavors. Mouthfeel is powdery, with a light to medium body. The 11% is well masked, attributable to the barrel aging. But the bourbon and oak do not overwhelm like some barrel-aged beers, however it does come through on the finish. Overall this is simply a high quality BA Tripel from beginning to end.


RexMundi's Photo
RexMundi Aug 18, 2018 at 12:07PM
One of my favorite beers. I can't get it in Colorado, so my cousin in NH mails me some every not and then.

HansKennedy30's Photo
HansKennedy30 Dec 25, 2020 at 9:07AM
Certainly a fine brew...not something for everyday. For me it is a great special occasion Beer.

Beermonk's Photo
Beermonk Oct 27, 2021 at 3:00PM
This in my opinion is simply the best Tripel anywhere. I have been drinking big beers for years and this is at the top of my list no questions asked. Hard to believe it is 11%, to say it is smooth is an understatement. Highly recommend!

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