Chimay Cent Cinquante (Green) - Chimay Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 11th, 2025  
Chimay Cent Cinquante (Green)


Belgian Blonde Ale
Belgian Strong
10.00% ABV


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Chimay Cent Cinquante (Green) from Chimay Brewery
4.7 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Cent Cinquante is the first permanent beer produced by Chimay in over 55 years. It’s a Belgian Strong Blonde Ale that pours a cloudy, pale amber color. One finger of super long lasting, white, creamy head. Strong aroma of yeast and fruit. Taste is fantastic with big fruit flavors of banana and apricot and fig, plus floral and grassy hop notes. And the malts are present too, with doughy, soft bread flavors. But the most unique part of this beer is the Belgian yeast, which creates a warm, luscious mouthfeel. Well carbonated with a medium to full body. The finish has a touch of herbal spice. Complex and balanced, this is superb and highly recommended.


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