Trip in the Woods: Gin-Barrel-Aged Tripel - Sierra Nevada Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 9th, 2019  
Trip in the Woods: Gin-Barrel-Aged Tripel


Belgian-style Tripel
10.70% ABV


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Trip in the Woods: Gin-Barrel-Aged Tripel from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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The gin barrel aged offering from Sierra Nevada's Trip in the Woods series pours a dark golden color with a two finger fine bubbled white head that recedes to a half finger ring around the glass. There's visible sediment suspended and floating all around that doesn't seem to sink, seemingly buoyed up by the lively carbonation. Aroma is subtle - mostly Belgian yeast but not really too distinguishable. The taste is bright but intense. Up front, it's warming like a Tripel, with notes of bread and maybe a little banana. The sweet boozyness hits next, followed by the botanic you would expect to be imparted from a gin barrel: juniper. It's complex though, with hints of honeysuckle, peach, ripe pear, and ripe banana.


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