Reason for the Season Coffee Cream Stout - Wildcard Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 27th, 2023  
Reason for the Season Coffee Cream Stout


Coffee Stout
7.00% ABV


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Reason for the Season Coffee Cream Stout from Wildcard Brewing
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Podcast: Stouterday Night Live
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Pours a foggy dark brown with a tan two finger head that recedes pretty quickly. The aroma is nicely subtle coffee with a hint of roasty malt. The carbonation is pretty lively for a stout, but it works very well with the mouth feel because it's a little on the lighter side. The taste is very creamy and smooth, like the crema on a freshly poured shot of espresso. It has a cola like texture and taste, with mild roasted malts and a cream sweetness that lasts all the way through. This is a really nice introductory stout for those who shy away from dark beer. For those who aren't shy, it's a great fall to winter beer.


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