Donner Party Porter 2020 - FiftyFifty Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 14th, 2020  
Donner Party Porter 2020


7.20% ABV - 90 IBU


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Donner Party Porter pours a dark brown color with an ample amount of medium, creamy, mocha-colored head. The aroma consists of roasted malts, toffee and black coffee. The flavor blends dark roasted malts with caramel on the sweet side and a smoky campfire quality on the dark side. The medium body and high carbonation makes this fairly approachable, but the smoke gives it a little extra kick to make it memorable. Enjoy this with a friend on a cold winter night. Or in a pinch, you can pair it with one.


format_123's Photo
format_123 Mar 9, 2020 at 1:57PM
having one now...
no complaints

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