Bitter Valentine - AleWerks Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 14th, 2025  
Bitter Valentine


Double/Imperial IPA
8.30% ABV


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Bitter Valentine from AleWerks Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Bitter Valentine pours a deep gold or light amber color. It's fairly clear but not entirely transparent. Head is off-white, creamy and fluffy, with good retention and plenty of lacing. Aroma is hoppy and dank with citrus and pine. That carries over to the flavor, where the resinous pine and citrus take center stage. There's support from the bready malts that turn to a brown sugar and honey sweetness, which combined provide a nice balance to the hops. It's not all that bitter, despite the name, but the bitterness does seem to accumulate in the finish. Mouthfeel is creamy with a medium body. Finishes smooth with a nice mix between the citrus bitterness and malt sweetness. We're not bitter-Happy Valentine's Day from our crew to yours!


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