4th of Juicy - Heretic Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 4th, 2022  
4th of Juicy


Northeast-Style IPA
Quad IPA
14.00% ABV


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4th of Juicy from Heretic Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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4th of Juicy pours a very cloudy golden color with an eggshell colored dense foam at the top that sticks around longer than expected. Though hard to see through the haze, abundant carbonation bubbles stream from the bottom to the top of the glass. The flavor features a mild malt body with mainly wheat qualities with a touch of darker rye in the second wave. The hop flavors consist of earthy pine and a fair amount of West Coast bitterness for a beer with “Juicy” in the name. At 14%, it’s impossible to hide the booziness, but maintains a fairly tame kick. This big, bold, boozie behemoth may not be your traditional 4th of July pool beer, but without a doubt, you will not find a beer remotely like this brewed in any other country in the world besides the ole USA. Happy 4th of July everyone!


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