Murk Man IPA - Austin Brothers Beer Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 28th, 2023  
Murk Man IPA


Triple IPA
10.30% ABV - 60 IBU


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Murk Man IPA from Austin Brothers Beer Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is golden amber, very murky, with one finger of white, creamy head. Lots of lacing on the glass. Big aroma that is both hoppy and malty. Taste is fruity and juicy, with hop flavors of stone fruit, melon, guava, and passion fruit. Bold malt profile as well, with an underlying sweetness but one that is not too boozy. Full bodied with a mouthfeel that is creamy and chewy, and a smooth, hoppy finish. Definitely a sipper, as the 10.3% ABV will sneak up on you.


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