Lost Lake IPA
What did you think of it? Never Tried ItColor is pale amber, mostly clear, with 2 fingers of off-white, foamy head. Aroma is balanced with piney hops and a surprising amount of malt. Taste follows the nose, starting with a soft, doughy malt flavor. Hops are pretty mild, but have floral, citrus, and pine hoppiness. There’s a slight peppery bitterness in the finish. Smooth mouthfeel, super easy to drink. Overall a solid IPA that leans to the malty side.
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Thedoddsster Jun 18, 2022 at 8:13PM
Wouldn't agree this is a solid ipa. Where are the hops? I get the doughy malty taste and citrus. Was expecting a bit more of a punch with the hoppinessLeave a Comment: