Lime:Thirty Lager - Full Circle Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 9th, 2020  
Lime:Thirty Lager


Light Lager
4.50% ABV


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Lime:Thirty Lager from Full Circle Brewing Co.
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Lime:Thirty pours a pale yellow with fluffy, white three finger head that recedes and doesn't lace much. Aroma is hard to come by but there's some very subtle sweet grain and yeast notes. Taste is subtly sweet but crisp key lime and corn. Nothing fussy or complex here, but it's very drinkable by the gallon especially on a hot day. Mouthfeel is quite light and crisp, with surprisingly low carbonation but it's definitely not flat.


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