Huge Arker Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout - Anderson Valley Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 23rd, 2023  
Huge Arker Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout


Imperial Stout
13.50% ABV - 88 IBU


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Huge Arker Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout from Anderson Valley Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Happy Thanksgiving! Color is dark brown with a dark tan colored head. The head is about 1-finger thick and lasts forever with good lacing. Aroma is strong and boozy with lots of bourbon present. Taste is fantastically smooth. Coffee, chocolate, oak, vanilla, coconut, black currant, and dark bread. But nothing stands out quite like the bourbon. Dark fruit flavors as well, like raspberry and blueberry. Gets sweet as it warms, with brown sugar and molasses in the finish. Mouthfeel is warming, with a texture that is oily and sticky but it isn't syrupy. Medium body - not viscous or cloying. This imperial stout aged in Wild Turkey barrels just seems like the perfect way to wind down after that Thanksgiving dinner.


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