Chasing Nelson - Resident Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 19th, 2020  
Chasing Nelson


Hazy IPA
6.60% ABV


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Chasing Nelson from Resident Brewing Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Chasing Nelson pours a very murky, golden orange color. The head is 2 fingers thick and long lasting. Nice aroma with tropical fruit and berry. Taste has some bold hop flavors right off the bat, with mango, guava, apple, and a touch of citrus. This is Double Dry Hopped with just one hop, so you get a real sense of how great Nelson hops are. Mouthfeel is pillowy with a creamy, flaky texture, perhaps from oats or similar soft malts. Very little bitterness, and the finish is smooth and enjoyable.


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