Bike Dog Milk Stout - Bike Dog Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 5th, 2020  
Bike Dog Milk Stout


Milk Stout
4.50% ABV


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Bike Dog Milk Stout from Bike Dog Brewing Company
3.9 out of 5 based on 5 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Sactown Brews
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Bike Dog's Milk Stout pours black, letting no light in, with a one finger cream head that dissolves pretty quickly. Aroma is a creamy chocolate, with coffee notes and a nice roasted malt backbone. The carbonation is somewhat low and the mouthfeel is light to medium for a stout, but that pairing serves to give the beer a creamy and smooth texture that goes well with the flavor. It's got a lactose sweetness that goes very nicely with the predominant chocolate and malt flavors, with a nice touch of coffee at the end.


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