What did you think of it? Never Tried ItThis Scottish Ale comes from Belhaven Brewery that was established in 1719. Pours a dark amber color with a large, creamy head. Aroma is malty with brown sugar sweetness. The taste is a bit different from the aroma. There’s still sweetness, but not nearly as sweet as you would guess from the aroma. Some dark malt, rye, and bready notes too. But what stands out is a peaty, metallic, barnyard funk with hints of wet straw and Parmesan cheese. And not in a bad way – it’s similar to the distinctiveness that you get with a Scotch whisky. Light bodied and smooth with mellow carbonation. Easy drinking, but lots of flavor and complexity for a 5.2% ABV beer.
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jhmiller Jul 7, 2020 at 11:33PM
Our first review, circa 2005 or 2006: Belhaven is a very dark beer, but not as bitter as you might expect. Scottish ales tend to have a strong kick, but this one is a little more reserved. It is fairly malty, smoky, and sweet, with hints of vinegar in the aftertaste. This would go very well with a good steak right off the grill.Leave a Comment: