Beard Tax - Black Acre Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 1st, 2021  
Beard Tax


Russian Imperial Stout
9.80% ABV - 60 IBU


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Beard Tax from Black Acre Brewing Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Back to the Brews
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Beard Tax pours a dark brown color with about one finger of head comprised of tiny, khaki colored bubbles. Lots of lacing on the glass and the head recedes to a light film. Smells intense and rich. Taste is bold with a smoky, roasted malt flavor. Notes of leather and tobacco (specifically cigar flavors). Next up is bittersweet chocolate, coffee grounds, earthy hops, and just a very slight sweetness. Light carbonation but still full bodied, with a chewy mouthfeel. Finish has big, kick-you-in-the-face hop bitterness. A fantastic Russian Imperial Stout from Indianapolis.


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