Moo Thunder Stout - Butternuts Beer and Ale - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 7th, 2017  
Moo Thunder Stout


4.90% ABV


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Moo Thunder Stout from Butternuts Beer and Ale
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Moo Thunder Stout pours deep and dark, letting no light through. It has a medium, coarse tan head that settles and then lingers. The aroma consists of creamy chocolate milk with roasted malt. The mouthfeel is velvety and on the lighter side for a stout, with decent carbonation. The taste is very creamy and powdery, with malted milk balls coming to mind. It is mildly sweet, with cocoa, roasted malts, and very slight coffee. Overall, it's a wonderfully light and refreshing stout you can drink year-round.


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