The Brew Bitch IPA - Valholl Brewing Co. LLC - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 20th, 2024  
The Brew Bitch IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
6.30% ABV - 42 IBU


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The Brew Bitch IPA from Valholl Brewing Co. LLC
5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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The Brew Bitch pours a dark copper color with a little fogginess and a thin, yellowish head. It smells just like the spent mash... malty with a touch of honey sweetness. The flavor is hop forward with a strong malt backbone and a touch of burned biscuit. It has the right about of bitter finish to hold up to the sweetness, with grassy hops flavors that go well with the biscuity smoothness. There's a nice sharpness on the finish that doesn't end crisply but doesn't linger too long either. The carbonation is perfect for the light to medium mouthfeel. All in all, this is a great sipper.


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