Smoooth Ops Pina Colada - 3 Sons Brewing Co - Beer of the Day.

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Smoooth Ops Pina Colada


Strange Brew


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Smoothie style hard seltzer inspired by a Pina Colada. Pour like a glass of juice think and yellow, make you think it is a cocktail in a can. Aroma is as described Pina Colada. First taste there is the heavy pineapple and coconut favor. Not your normal seltzer more like a smoothie than seltzer, no normal seltzer mouth feel. It is super sweet good for a day on the beach in the hot sun.

Added by Firekiller7576


Firekiller7576's Photo
Firekiller7576 Jan 7, 2022 at 8:39PM
I am not a Seltzer guy but this beerish blew me away. I had it on a cold rainy day but man can I imagine having this one on a beach (ok let's be honest a few). Taste and looks just like a Pina Colada.

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