Saison d'Brett - Funkwerks - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 18th, 2022  
Saison d'Brett


7.00% ABV


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Saison d'Brett from Funkwerks
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Rocky Mountain Beer
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Saison d'Brett pours a golden straw color with a bit of iridescence. The head is thick, white, and frothy with a ton of little bubbles. Lovely aroma full of Brettanomyces and farmhouse funk. Taste is phenomenal and screams of high quality. Perfect amount of Brett - less than expected from the aroma, but just the right amount to give it the funk. It's also fruity but not juicy, with dry fruit flavors like white grape and green apple. Maybe a bit of citrus. Mid-palate, you can really taste the barrel. Smooth, woody, oak flavors. Dry, warming mouthfeel. On the finish, there's an earthy flavor full of spice. Overall this is an exceptional saison with a smooth, enjoyable flavor from start to finish.


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